Enosburg Falls is Developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan
Protecting Our Community: Be Prepared! Enosburg Falls is committed to the safety and well-being of our residents. We are currently developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan in collaboration with Northwest Regional Planning Commission, Vermont Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to proactively address potential natural disasters and hazards impacting our rural community.
What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan? A Hazard Mitigation Plan is a community roadmap that identifies potential hazards, assesses risks, and outlines strategies to reduce their impact on a community. By planning ahead, we can minimize damage to property, infrastructure, and, most importantly, lives. The plan will focus on natural threats relevant to Enosburg Falls such as:
- Drought
- Earthquake
- Extreme Cold
- Extreme Heat
- Flood Inundation
- Fluvial Erosion
- Hail
- High Winds
- Ice Storms
- Infectious Disease Outbreak
- Invasive Species
- Wildfire
- Winter storms (ice storms)
Why is this Important for Our Community? It will help the community become more disaster resilient by examining risk and identifying strategies to reduce those risks. The plan will help reduce costs associated with the impacts of disasters.
How Can You Get Involved?
Public Input Meetings: We value your voice! We will be hosting public input meetings in the near future. Check back here for notices. The meetings will be your chance to learn more about the plan, share your concerns about potential hazards, and offer suggestions for mitigation strategies.
The draft plan will also be posted on this page in the near future and hard copies will be available at the Village Office.
Online Survey: We have an online survey available at https://forms.gle/TcrmmG25E8f5JwQ7A. Your participation will help us understand community-specific vulnerabilities and priorities.
Stay Informed: Visit this webpage regularly for updates on the plan’s development. We will also be sharing information through Facebook and Front Porch Forum
Working Together for a Safer Future By working together, we can build a more resilient community prepared to face potential hazards. Your participation is crucial in shaping this plan and ensuring the safety of our residents for years to come.
Additional Resources:
- Vermont’s Flood Ready Site: https://floodready.vermont.gov/
- Vermont Emergency Management: https://vem.vermont.gov/
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: https://www.fema.gov/grants/mitigation
- FEMA Mitigation Planning: https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/goal
- Northwest Regional Planning Commission Emergency Planning Program: https://www.nrpcvt.com/services-programs/emergency-planning/
Contact Us: For any questions or concerns regarding the Hazard Mitigation Plan, please contact:
Northwest Regional Planning Commission:
Shaun Coleman, Senior Planner
Enosburg Falls Village
John Dasaro, Village Manager